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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

With The Holidays Behind Us...

     Its full steam ahead as we look forward to the launch of our new website. As you could imagine things have been hectic and busy this holiday weekend, trying to manage my personal relationships and finish the business end of our website for our launch date later in the week.

    We have been more than happy with the response we have recieved in regards to employment opportunitys with smOMedia. On that note I would like to take the time to welcome Adam Desousa to the smOMedia team. Adam is based out of Toronto, Canada and will be heading up our Sales and Marketing campagin due to launch later this summer.

     We ask if you are still intrested in any employment opportunitys with our company you take the time to read up and apply. Some of the positions looking to be filled include:

          - Web and Graphic Design
          - Search Engine Placement
          - Search Engine Optimization
          - Sales and Marketing Professionals

If intrested please apply with a resume. You can contact us via e-mail under the "Contact Us" section of this blog. If you have anymore questions concerning our company please feel free to contact us.

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