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Monday, July 4, 2011

An Object In Motion Stays In Motion

     Hope the holiday weekend has been going well for all of you. On our end of things I myself have been busy with the constant update of smOMedias new website due to launch later this week. I have been taking the time to refine and add my last minute touches, everything is on track and we have been more than happy with the response that we have received and since the idea was born.

     We are still looking to fill a positions within smOMedia. If you have any experience with search engine optimization, search engine placement, graphic design, or web coding we would love to hear from you. Just send an attached resume to us and we can be contacted under the "Contact Us" section of our blog.

     Thats all for the beginning of the week we will be more actively blogging this week as the website gets closer to its launch date, so please stay posted for job opportunities and daily updates of our operations.

We are excited for the upcoming week. We will be meeting with a talented Web & Graphic Designer from Portland, Oregon who inquired with us about a job opportunity and look forward to see what is to come of that. Also later in the week I will be speaking with an SEO Developer from India who has also inquired about a job opportunity within. 

    So to say the least the week has been hectic but we couldn't have asked for anything more.
                                                                                                         Full Speed Ahead,
                                                                                                                              smOMedia Team

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