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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

What is smOMedia?

     smOMedia is the vision that I have finally decided to bring to life. I have always had the ambitions to start my own business. For the last 5 years I have been really focusing on the main questions "What is important to clients?", "Where do other company's fall short?", and "What can I do to improve on successful business practices?"  From these important questions I built and constructed my business model. I'm proud to say that because of my business practices, moral values, and understanding of my clients I am able to provide them with the vision they had imagined for themselves and their company.

Mission Statement
     The success of a company can be measured in how well they can Listen and Focus on the wants and needs of their clients. smOMedia aspires to bring a whole new understanding to the relationship between client and artist. After all this is your vision not ours. By having our artists work directly with our clients we can insure that the clients needs and wants are being meet, while also building a long lasting business relationship through the customer service and quality product we provide.